The other day, we put on our masks and went to our central hospital. On our way, we met children who chanted "onani avala corona (see, they are wearing Corona)", so well, with the attention we were gathering we shared about being safe during this time. They reminded us of some women, who have been saying "we are grateful to Corona, that we have received soap for washing hands." (It's sad but also funny, we laughed about it, you can too)
Anyway, we met the hospital leadership and they appreciated our effort, a lot. They directed us on how best to share the soap we got, buckets and baby clothes and blankets. We were allowed to go to the Maternity ward, labour ward, paediatrics, nursery and kangaroo care. It was a very heartbreaking visit but both the care takers and patients received us really well were very helpful. (Our hospitals are overcrowded, as in other beds have 2 or 3 newborn babies and mothers are sleeping on the floor, there is hardly space to step on). But our health workers are trying to decongest these rooms or set up some kind of strategies- God bless them.

Our health workers are scared that there are no personal protective equipment and they shared the shortage that's in the whole country. They further asked if we could make the cloth masks for them because at least they can wash those instead of having the medical ones which they get to use the same one for a whole week before they get a new one.
They are trying to put in protective measures but it's just hard with the health situation in the country.
We promised to make the cloth masks for them, and to ask around for boots, aprons, goggles, gloves, soap, tents, big water buckets... (if you can help with any of these, please let us know).
On our way back, we stopped by our tailor, he is the one teaching the girls sewing and designing, and asked him to donate some pieces of cloth for masks from left over fabric and he gladly did. Now we rest and tomorrow, we make more masks for our health workers. We appreciate their efforts.
Fast forward a few days, take a look:
Ladies at work, 34 masks delivered and we got asked for 150 more 🙌
When we were learning to sew, we didn't know we will use the skill this soon.
